Thursday, June 25, 2009

Orochon and No Art

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Fellow designer, Erik Larabie, and I meet up in LA and avoid art.
Orochon Ramen

It's true that I often lean back from programming or designing and float off momentarily into thoughts of pure art, off into a place where I imagine what it must be like to have a studio and lots of time and someone else's money and just have to produce something that is just honest.'s a nice place.

So when I get a chance to come into LA on the (slightly urban feeling) train and dig some art and other cool-tshirt-wearing people, I dig. And I usually get to try a new restaurant and come back with the dug-art-in-LA badge.

But today, Erik and I kept stalling the visit to The Geffen or to Upper Playground or whatever. In the end, we just walked around discussing the balance of believing in science but living day to day with data-less realities and experiences. We ended up on the roof of The Walt Disney Concert Hall tripping out on all the gnarly back structures and steep drops that are hidden behind the structure's graceful outer.

And that's when I felt the coolness of being part of all the gnarliness that goes behind making websites and motion graphics work well, of bringing DESIGN to navigation and to messaging. And it's now that I dig our reluctance to concentrate on someone's art. We spend our days in concentration over the right solutions and picking the 'rightest' solution...and in most cases, having to repeatedly justify our efforts. Sometimes it's just good to slurp noodles and have folk intellectual converstions with a fellow designer.

Thanks for calling me up, Erik. I had a good day.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The New Satellite Office

The Satellite Office
Sometimes it's good to get out and laptop it at a local coffee house even if you're just researching new CSS techniques.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

makeHELLO Site in mH-309 Mode

Art projectiles still in beta.
Art explosions to come.
makeHELLO Site in mH-309 mode

Friday, June 12, 2009

No Vacations

Bike + Good Coffee House = No need for vacation.
Coffee + Bike = Good.
Yet to be named coffee house inside Shake It Up Dance Studio
[edit: now named Kerry's Coffee House]
16 E. State Street
Downtown Redlands, CA

makeHELLO's New Site!

[ dig it ]
makeHELLO's New Website!